Project Runway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia自從IG盛行後,全球都在瘋美圖,不少人也從IG中進階成名人,手牽手各國旅行的情侶黨,食物照,晴時有雨偶陣雨的多愁善感人物照,高空俯瞰照等。於是更讓人好奇,那些美圖到底是怎麼拍的? 終於有良心人研究出來,並把方法PO到網上分享,人人都有機會成為IG大師了!! 圖片翻攝 下同/BLOG &Project Runway is an American reality television series on Lifetime, previously on the Bravo Network, created by Eli Holzman which focuses on fashion design and is hosted by model Heidi Klum. The contestants compete with each other to create the best clot...