奇葩版 MUJI!這家腦洞大開的日本雜貨超出想像範圍
Project Ara - Official Site 本文授權轉載自帶你消費未來的玩物志 微信 號ID:coolbuy 專注發掘和推薦品質創新的新生活必需品 前陣子,一個少女心爆棚的食物,刷爆了玩物君的朋友圈。 這個名叫「腦面」的玩意,從食材、包裝到廣告,清一色走粉嫩The smartphone is one of the most empowering and intimate objects in our lives. Yet most of us have little say in how the device is made, what it does, and how it looks. And 5 billion of us don't have one. What if you could make thoughtful choices about e...