PROJECT X - Movie Trailer, Photos, Synopsis 表面上大男人的,其實是一個不折不扣的小男人。要女人服侍,怕女人比自己棒,不是自卑感作祟嗎?專橫、固執和獨斷,都是沒有自信心的條件反射。真正有能力的人往往最謙虛,自大的人其實骨子裡最自卑。他們以呼呼喝喝來確立男尊女卑,用呈強來掩飾自己的自卑。 真正的大男人,表面上看來完全是一名小男人。他遷Project X follows three seemingly anonymous high school seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough: let's throw a party that no one will forget- but nothing could prepare them for this party. Word spreads...