For KING & COUNTRY - Proof Of Your Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics一小姐打車到某地,要出租司機跟她到屋里拿,出租司機心想:哈哈,說不定還有好事做呢。果然,一進門,小姐就脫的一絲不掛,出租司機心領神會,猛撲上去,兩人于是巫山云雨,翻云覆雨,直至無雨......事畢,出租司機要走人,小姐不許,說:你做了多次,收你三百,其中有你十元車費,你得付二百九十,少一分也別想走!If I sing but don't have love I waste my breath with every song I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise If I speak with a silver tongue Convince a crowd but don't have love I leave a bitter taste with every word I say So let my life be the proof, The proof...