The Problem with 'I'm So Proud of You' (And What to Say Instead) | Marcy Cole, Ph.D.在西澳大利亞,有個叫Merredin的小城。 小城不大,也就幾千人口,經濟結構也略顯單調。 在這裡,百分之五十的工作都跟農業有關,其它的就是採礦或者可再生能源。 平日裡,小鎮里居民的休閒項目就是運動, 鎮上有兩個足球俱樂部,兩個網球俱樂部,還有兩個曲棍球俱樂部。 不過..My sister told me something that I vowed to share with as many parents as possible: "When my kids were small, I made a conscious decision to never say, 'I'm proud of you.' Instead, I have always said to them, 'You must be so proud of yourself.'......