【編輯推薦】GIORDANO x Lowe Alpine -休閒與機能,你無法想像的絕妙組合!
PRS Guitars | SE Custom 24 【編輯推薦】GIORDANO x Lowe Alpine -休閒與機能,你無法想像的絕妙組合! 哈囉!又到了 JUKSY 小編的推薦時間啦!這次要推薦給大家的,就是 GIORDANO 今年秋冬與國際知名戶外品牌 Lowe Alpine 的聯名款,以「Street2Summit街SE Custom 24 photos, media and links to specifications and color options ... The SE Custom 24 pays homage to our Maryland-made Custom 24. The guitar that Paul Smith took to his first tradeshow in 1985, the Custom 24 is the original PRS guitar....