ps lomo effect

Lomo-Effect on Photographs in Photoshop | Scott Photographics | Free Photography, GIMP & Photoshop T 話說,許多餐館在顧客生日那天有免費的生日餐, 但很多人都不知情或者不好意思要。 但今天這位老大哥, 趁着最近過生日,強行去鎮上各家飯館兒轉了一大圈, 要求提供「免費生日餐」。。。 沒花一分錢就好好地把自己愛吃的東西都吃了個遍,也是厲害了我的哥~   大哥先來到了DQ。 在那裡,經理表示自1. Starting Choose your image and open it in Photoshop. Now go, Layer –> New Adjustment Layer –> Curves - This is the basis of the Lomo-Effect, these adjustments will change the colours: Value/RGB Channel – ‘S‘ Curve, as shown:...


Photoshop Quick Tip: Create a Lomo Effect in 3 Simple Steps ▲7張被P圖惡搞的逗趣照片。(source : boredpanda,下同)   大家好我是皮耶編,我們時常看到網路上有網友放上自己的照片,跪求其他P圖技術高超的網友來幫忙改圖,但時常會演變成一股惡搞旋風,久而久之也有人開始刻意放上自己或朋友的照片供人惡搞P圖,這也形成另類風潮。根據boFor someone like me who is not a photoshop wiz, i found your steps very confusing as i could not find some sections and yes i got their in the end, but next time put better instructions as to where to find certain tools as i had to do some steps alot of t...


Photoshop CS6 Retro Lomo Effect Tutorial - YouTube 【6月20日台北訊】劇情輕鬆有趣、男女主角打鬧鬥嘴橋段多到讓網友噴笑的《三流之路》,不僅在韓國收視率屢創新高,在台播出以來更大受網友喜愛,討論度居高不下。由朴敘俊飾演呆萌感100%的男主角東萬,與金智媛飾演機靈嬌蠻的愛羅一角在戲裡互相糾纏拉扯,摸頭、拉手、擁抱、近距離對望樣樣來,表面上是好朋友但肢A Lomo Effect is really easy to make in Photoshop and its mega effective. The Lomo Effect is for strange and weird photos that you don't know what to do with, so the odd pictures and off angle/blurry pictures are now able to look stunning with this amazin...


Freebie: Create Polaroid’s & Lomo Effects Automatically in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorials 話說,下面這位是來自俄羅斯的退休大媽,她叫Tatiana Subbotina,今年62歲。 大媽退休之前是工程師,退休之後也沒有閒著... 她在YouTube上開了一個頻道,時不時會在上面po些視頻。   剛開始,她發的都是些給孩子們看的視頻... 然而,這樣發了一段時間後,她解鎖了一個Add vintage effects to your photos and frame them in Polaroid’s with this amazing Photoshop action set. There are 7 vintage effects, two Lomography effects, and an action to put your photos inside a Polaroid frame. All layers are fully editable and nondes...


Faking the Lomo effect in Photoshop - LOMO Photo PART A 你住酒店時,順回過什麼?   給大家猜個謎語 肖恩今年9歲 他的家裡1年都不用買洗浴用品 請問為什麼?   答:肖恩的爸爸經常出差     有點冷是吧......其實估計大家都知道了 肖恩的爸爸把小肥皂小牙刷都帶回來了    Faking the Lomo effect in Photoshop File: Open: the picture you want Image: Adjustments: Brightness/Contrast: increase contrast by 20 Image: Adjustments: Hue/Saturation: increase saturation by 20 Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool (your basic selection t...


Rollip - Online Photo Effects    照片里的這兩人叫Akahi Ricardo和Camila Castello,他們是一對夫婦,來自美國。     丈夫Akahi今年36歲,妻子Camila今年34歲,他們感情很好,還有兩個活潑可愛的孩子。     在最近,這對夫婦火Online photo effects for images. Many effects available, very easy to use. Completely online so no downloads required! ... Make it look fantastic! Next, choose any effect you like to spice up your photo. Now download your creation or share it!...
