相愛相殺的宿命?!萬人票選【印象最深刻的經典對決 TOP20】(上)
When Adding a Second "PS" at the End of a Letter, It's "PPS", Not "PSS"原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴曈姸 「我們再這樣下去,也不是辦法。」 求婚? 不,下一句是 「一決勝負吧!」 啊果然是求婚啊(才不是)! 說到動漫中最讓人熱血沸騰的情節, 莫過於宿敵間最強 vs. This, of course, is because “PS” stands for “postscript”. This comes from the Latin “post scriptum” (sometimes written “postscriptum”), which translates to “written after”, or more to the point, “what comes after the writing”. Thus, PSS would mean “postsc...