ps pps pps pppps

When Adding a Second "PS" at the End of a Letter, It's "PPS", Not "PSS" 原文:, of course, is because “PS” stands for “postscript”. This comes from the Latin “post scriptum” (sometimes written “postscriptum”), which translates to “written after”, or more to the point, “what comes after the writing”. Thus, PSS would mean “postsc...


Urban Dictionary: PPP信不信由你 九個最有可能是外星人的中國人   我們認為是科學的,可能是我們相信的神話;我們認為是神話的,可能是我們不懂的科學。 把神話當作科學的,在現實中比比皆是,什麼「水變油」了,什麼「包治百病」了……有太多的人上過這樣的當。而把神話當作科學,似乎就沒多少人相Acronym for Public Porn Portal. Another name used for a public library or other public building that contains comptuers readily available to the public for browsing the internet (for porn). At our public library (PPP) all the kids go there to surf porn be...


Hitler kuulee Cheekin stadionkonsertista - YouTube套著蚊帳的張鈞甯、披著桌布的趙薇、掛著拉麵的徐若瑄、拖著護翼的呂麗萍、踩著高蹺的舒淇、裹著垃圾袋的蕭亞軒、忘穿褲子的藍心湄、驗證地心引力的郝蕾Make your own Hitler video at Hitler kuulee Cheekin stadionkonsertista. PS. Jos video ei lataa, ja näytöllä on teksti "Tapahtui virhe..", yritä myöhemmin uudelleen. Video toimii ja näet sen kyllä! PPS. Videon ei ole tarkoitus l...
