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PS Vita Rom - PlayStation Vita Rom Files 看完這篇我想我大學時期最大的遺憾應該是沒去飲料店打工了!! 好想立馬去大X子買杯飲料來喝順便看看有沒有我的另一半 =///=   Dcard原文 某個暑假在一間大x子的飲料店打工 當時時不時會有人來跟我要line 但我都委婉的拒絕了(那時候才意識到原來自己桃花那麼旺) 做完飲料我都會禮貌PS Vita Rom PlayStation Vita Rom Files - backup copies of PSV games In order to run both the emulated games and the PS Vita roms on the PlayStation Vita, users would need to download a type of program on the internet. Usually, most of the games on the ......


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