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PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, PSV, PS4 - Hardware Spec comparison - PlayStation Vita Message Board for PlaySta 世界上最小的7-11便利商店.......不知道可以用ICASH嗎?Sad thing is, my mid-range gaming PC is more powerful than the PS4. Won't stop me from buying one though!---Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou ... Eoin posted... Some of those specs are wrong, and obviously the PS4 specs are specu...


PS4, PS3, Xbox One,Xbox 360, Wii, PC, 3DS, DS & DSi, PS2, Vita, PSP, Games and Consoles | GameSeek 別再跟我說它是加菲貓了XDGameSeek has a huge selection of new and used games at fantastic prices. Shop online at GameSeek for PS4, Xbox One, PS3 (PlayStation 3), 360 (Xbox 360), Wii (Nintendo Wii), 3DS (Nintendo 3DS), DS & DSi, PS2 (PlayStation 2), PSP, Xbox, Gamecube and ......


PS3 / PS4 - ps4還可不可以玩ps3的遊戲呢? - 遊戲討論區 - Mobile01 我是俗仔,我只能這樣默默的發聲(開單中)ampkx86 wrote: PS4沒辦法向下相容...(恕刪) 唉~~PS3可相容PS2,但PS4就不行相容PS3,這是sony在懲罰支持購買原版的玩家嗎?以後我PS3掛機,就只能一直買PS3來玩,直到買不到 ......
