PS1 Emulator for Mac OS X Snow Leopard - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions 導讀:戀愛的時候,女人總是喜歡問男人,“你愛我嗎”“我漂亮嗎”或是“我和你前女友比哪個好”之類的問話,讓男人煩不勝煩。其實,要想做戀愛和婚姻中的聰明女人,就必須知道,以下10句話不能和老公說的。 1Okay then everyone, this is how to install and get up and running with a PS1 emulator for your Mac running Snow Leopard. Without any hesitation, let'... ... All files downloaded, now it's time to install them. Double click 'PCSX-test3.dmg' to open and mou...