PS2 USB Advance Play PS2 game from USB HDD - YouTube◎我跟貓說話,你插什麼嘴 !!夫妻吵架後,丈夫知趣的去逗貓玩。 妻子吼道:「你跟那一頭豬在幹甚麼 ?」 丈夫驚奇道:「這是貓,不是豬呀!」 妻子一口接過:「我跟貓說話,你插什麼嘴 ?」 如此推論,跟貓說話的老公,豈不成了....."豬" ???--------How to play games from USB HDD using Swap magic however w/o swapping a disk. Download the attached zip file and copy on your pen drive. http://techvision011.blogspot.com/200... Keep your Swap Magic disk all the time into PS2 drive and keep the lead close....