ps2 hdd

PS2 USB Advance Play PS2 game from USB HDD - YouTube◎我跟貓說話,你插什麼嘴 !!夫妻吵架後,丈夫知趣的去逗貓玩。 妻子吼道:「你跟那一頭豬在幹甚麼 ?」 丈夫驚奇道:「這是貓,不是豬呀!」 妻子一口接過:「我跟貓說話,你插什麼嘴 ?」 如此推論,跟貓說話的老公,豈不成了....."豬" ???--------How to play games from USB HDD using Swap magic however w/o swapping a disk. Download the attached zip file and copy on your pen drive. Keep your Swap Magic disk all the time into PS2 drive and keep the lead close....


How to Install a PS2 Hard Drive(HDD) - YouTube笑口常開有人洗嗎?一間房子出租給多名男女,浴室只有一間,洗澡都要排好久。一夜小吳從外頭回來,想去洗澡,但正好浴室有名女子在洗,又不知道她洗完後是否有人也等著要洗...於是小吳問:「小姐,妳下麵有人洗嗎?」那小姐生氣的回答:「下面我會自己洗啦!無聊!」配種師有個癟三在某BBS上寫了這樣一段話:「我性慾For this you will need a compatible PS2 Hard Drive. A coin or flathead screwdriver. A Network Adapter And a PS2(1000x, 3000x, 5000x) or a "Phat" if you will.......


How to Play Games From an External HDD in PS2 | eHow小白兔在森林裏散步,遇到大灰狼迎面走過來,上來"啪啪"給了小白兔兩個大耳貼子,說"我讓妳不戴帽子"。小白兔很委屈的撤了。第二天,她戴著帽子蹦蹦跳跳的走出家門,又遇到大灰狼,他走上來"啪啪"又給暸小白兔兩個大嘴巴,說"我讓妳戴帽子。"兔兔鬱悶了。思量了許久,最終決定去找森林之王老虎投訴。說明了情況後,If you own a Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) console, you are probably used to having to insert a disc into the unit's CD/DVD drive before starting a game. Many PS2 owners create backup discs and use them for game play in order to protect their investments in th...


PS2 Hard Drive Compatibility Chart模範生:這次考試又砸啦!時裝店老闆:太合身啦,簡直就是給你定做的。政治家:我一分錢都沒收。校長:(早會)我再簡單地說一句。。。醫生:打這個針一點都不痛。明星:我們只是朋友關係。攝影師:你是我見過的最漂亮的新娘。飛機機長:乘客們,飛機發生了很小的問題。餐廳服務員:菜馬上就來。影視新星:我希望大家認同我Program (Required if the drive fits) Program(s) used to format and install the drive. PS2Ownz HDD Tool, DMS HDD Format Tool (yes, it works without the chip), and HDLoader are the most used programs. Also include any games you successfully did a hdd instal...


SKS Apps - Ps2 HardDrive Game Compatibility List - HDLoader UsbExtreme一個經濟學笑話兩個聰明的經濟學天才青年,經常為了一些高深的經濟學理論爭辯不休一天飯後一起去散步,為了某個數學驗證的證明兩位傑出青年又爭執了起來正在難分高下的時候,突然發現前面的草地上有一堆狗屎甲就對乙說:「如果你能把它吃下去,我願意出五千萬。」五千萬的誘惑可真不小,吃還是不吃呢?乙掏出紙筆,進行了精Playstation 2 Hard Disk Drive Game Compatibility List - Usb Advance Original HDAdvance HD Loader 7c 8b 8c FAQ ... Welcome to SKSApps Ps2 Hard Drive Game Compatibility List We are updating this list 24/7 and we need your help! Please feel free to post any ...


PS2 Hard Drive Compatibility Chart精神病人妙語事例1 病人A :「怎麼樣?這本書寫得還不錯吧?」病人B :「太好了!真是曠世鉅作。一點廢話都沒有,簡潔有力。不過有一個缺點,就是出場人物太多了!」謢士 :「喂!你們兩個 ...... 快把電話薄放回去。」精神病人妙語事例2有一位精神病院的醫生問患者︰「如果我把你的一隻耳朵割掉Formatting the drive. For the PS2 to recognize the drive it needs to be formatted with a special Playstation File System (PFS). There are three programs available at the moment that can do exacly that, these are; the old PS2 HDD Tool, DMS HDD Format Tool ...
