ps2 hdl下載

ps2遊戲下載,ps2模擬器下載,索尼PS2模擬中文遊戲 | 電玩之家 皮卡!! 皮卡!! 天啊!!這樣充也太可愛了吧 (笑倒在地....)PS2中文遊戲 《古堡迷蹤ICO》《妖精戰士 精靈的黃昏》《生化危機4》《實況足球9》《宿命傳說2》《鐵拳尼娜》《旺達與巨像》 PS2角色扮演 《最終幻想X》《勇者鬥惡龍8》《宿命傳說2》《格蘭蒂亞III》《幻想水滸傳4》《浪漫沙加 吟遊者之歌》《真女神 ......


PS2 玩遊戲的各種方法 - 白熊的DIY網頁首頁 OMG!! 澡不是這樣泡的吧XD第5步:個人電腦那邊執行hdl dump程式,雙點執行hdl dump圖示 程式畫面如下: 將相關的IP位址設定完成,包括設定好安裝的遊戲名稱等等....就可以直接將電腦內的ISO遊戲,或是直接將PS2光碟遊戲,透過網路安裝到PS2的IDE硬碟 內了。...


HDL Server - Official OPLv0.8 User Guides 冬天容易吃肥 超人裝也快擠不下了...OPL has been implimented with the HDL Server to allow you to install PS2 games to your Internal HDD while inside a PS2 console, over the network. Download - HDL Dumx and unzip it to your PC HDL Dumx contains both HDL Dump and HDL Dumb. HDL Dump is a ......


PS2 Hard Drive Compatibility Chart 聽說智商低於一百的人,都找不出八個!Hard Drive Installation, Formatting, and Testing Guide Installing the drive in the PS2. It's quite easy to install the hard drive, first you of course need the network adaptor and one of the compatible hard drives you find on this site. The important bit ...


Welcome to the OPL v0.8 User Guides 我沒用!我沒出息!我沒有臉見江東父老!Open PS2 Loader (OPL) is an application designed to allow you to play your PS2 games from an Internal HDD, a connected USB device or a networked PC from either a PS2 console or a PS3 console that supports PS2 Backwards Compatibility. PS3 doesnt support .....


Open PS2 Loader Project - v0.9.2 - All the latest news, information, and file downloads from the 葛格!媽媽說你要好好照顧我!Open PS2 Loader is a 100% Open source game loader compatible with USB Advance/Extreme game format and also with plain ISO format. It aims to be more ... IMPORTANT: * USB games must be unfragmented. If not, they might not work* In order to ensure ......
