ps3 exfat

exFAT檔案系統—為USB隨身碟而生的格式化 @ 宇若彎彎 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 有人只剩0.1的視力嗎?以下轉自: 你知道嗎?USB隨身碟到底要格式化成那一種格式? 以前我們只有知道 FAT32與NTFS格式 您聽過:格式化成 exFAT磁碟格式嗎?請看以下詳細說明: exFAT,(全稱Extended File Allocation Table File ......


How To Format To ExFAT - YouTube   阿姑的櫻桃小嘴!有沒有讓妳們蠢蠢欲動?     給我一個吻,可以不可以?   來吧!機會難得!要親要快!Quick tech tip on how to format an external drive to ExFAT on a Mac....


exFAT Versus FAT32 Versus NTFS | a Tech-Recipes Tutorial 妳妳妳!怎麼可以衣衫不整的到處溜達!我要告妳妨礙風化!Microsoft introduced the new exFAT file system with Vista SP1. Extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) is the successor to the old FAT32 file system. ... if i format my external hdd to exfat 32 kilobytes-to back up my ps3; can re-format it back to NFTS bac...


How to Format a Drive in exFAT Formatting in Windows 7 | eHow 真的是鑲金的狗狗耶!果真是貴氣逼人!The exFAT file system allows storage units to support larger file sizes previously limited by FAT32. This file system is designed primarily for portable devices, enabling greater interoperability between peripherals and other operating systems. You can ea...


How to format a WD external hard drive in exFAT or FAT32 (to use in Windows or Mac OSX) 犀利哥的鬍渣讓多少女人為之傾倒!一秒變型男就靠這招!Important: For both a PC and a Mac to be able to read from and write to the drive, it must be formatted in either exFAT or FAT32 file format. Many third-party systems such as the Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) and many Digital Camcorders require drives to be fo...


exfat - Getting around the FAT32 4GB file size limit - Super User【國外創意T恤】同理,也可以改成公司每天都操我嗎……If you want to try something, it's more likely that a PS3 will support NTFS as compared to exFAT. You can try formatting your memory stick NTFS just in case the PS3 will see it. But I don't think you'll have much like. It's just what I would do in this si...
