PS3 ISO TOOLS V1.4B - PSX-Scene - All the latest news, information, and file downloads from the 夫妻緣大略來自以下三種緣: ◆ 此方有恩於對方的因緣 若有人在相逢的過程中,某方有恩於對方,而使對方大受感動,而受恩者想要報恩償還,若是如此,當來生他們剛好是男與女時,就會因為過去這個善因而結成夫妻。 譬如;有次你溺水了,但卻沒有人願意拯救你,而只有一人奮不顧身的救你,不管有沒有救活,你還是很感恩[v1.2B - 12/29/2013] This is an update to PS3 ISO Tools by Rudi Rastelli. The developer has published his latest update with thr release of version 1.28. In this edition Rudi has extended his tools for a complete PS3-ISO-handling. This now all-in-one tool...