PS3 Media Server • View topic - How to play .ISO videos on ps3!? 對美色的熱愛是人的天性,然而哪個國家在性方面最“激情四射”呢?據報導,美國男性時尚網站AskMen公佈全球十大好色國家排行榜,熱情洋溢的希臘登榜首,巴西和俄羅斯分列2、3名,中國則因情趣商店林立而榜上有名,位Been trying to troubleshoot this for HOURS now. These aren't games, they are simply videos. Have tried the media server and simply locate the .iso on the PC (from the ps3 menu) and it lists Title 1 [MEncoder]* , Title 2, Title 3... and it will not recogni...