EVERYBODY DANCE on PS3 MOVE - party rock anthem gameplay - YouTube自稱撿到手機的陌生男子與小王的聊天內容 (上圖右圖僅為示意圖)平面女模特丟手機之後小王姑娘27歲,陜西人,獨自租住在城北某小區。13日淩晨3點左右,小王和朋友在西湖文化廣場壹家KTV唱完歌,回到家後,在小區門口吃夜宵,突然發現自己的手機不見了。丟的是壹部二手的iPhone4heres a video on what the gameplay is all about on EVERYBODY DANCE for PS3 MOVE.. u can change the video box on the left from you dancing or the music video.. as you can see me switching back and forth.....