line約正妹女友想來個「第一次」 沒想到卻敗給一根絲瓜...
EVERYBODY DANCE on PS3 MOVE - party rock anthem gameplay - YouTube 位po主最近交往了一位處女女友....但每每約會很早女友就閃了,一直不給原PO開苞的機會...於是,po主決定,來個正!面!交!戰!line女友明晚想要給她開苞....萬萬沒想到,女友神回了一張圖,小編看後不知道該哭還是該笑。實在是位有骨氣的女生...···heres a video on what the gameplay is all about on EVERYBODY DANCE for PS3 MOVE.. u can change the video box on the left from you dancing or the music video.. as you can see me switching back and forth.....