Read NTFS drive on Multiman , PS3 - YouTube空姐代表了一家航空公司的形象,一位有氣質長相甜美的正妹空姐,絕對對這家航空公司有加分,同時也讓乘客們賞心悅目, 今天就有網友在批踢踢PO文分享了一位 要去當空姐的正妹,這位正妹是他instagram看到的,覺得超正,這位正妹的照片一經PO上表特版,就有網友給出了這樣的評價:「今天表特水準This video will help you to read any NTFS drive on Multiman, ps3. copy large files using NTFS drive, lot of people are still not sure about this, so thought of making a video which may help to some noobs. like and subscribe if you like this video Make a c...