Playing my PS3 in 1080P with a pico projector - YouTube來訂做一個「微砲友」吧 words by 尤物雜誌 model:花苡琍 好床伴難找,與其不停的尋尋覓覓、尋找好的一夜情對象,不如把她列為固定的對方,需要的時候就來一下啊! 你大概常常對於現代人際關係搞不懂,你看著身邊這對男女,明明什麼事都做了,但卻一點關係都沒有?問他們喜不喜歡對方,又說對彼此有些好Just got this projector as a gift and wanted to show it off. It looks pretty cool and seems to be a nice projector to use at home. I've been playing games with it all day as it gives me a huge screen to play on. I believe the projector can go up to 1080p ...