ps4 3d blu ray support

PS4 - Does it play 3D Blu Ray ? - PlayStation® Forums要耐心看完喔! 小編哭了… 狗狗總是這樣無私地守護著我們   圖片來源:電影「盲証」Hello - forgive my ignorance but will the new Playstation 4 play 3D Blu-Ray DVDS ? I just purchased a new Sony KDL55W900A tv in anticipation o... ... that answers nothing,, other than technical specs..... ps3 had 3d bluray support since update 3.6. and wh...


PS4 Getting 3D Blu-Ray Support Next Week - IGN 看完有種淡淡的悲傷… 也不是我們自己願意這樣過的啊~~~The next PS4 system update will introduce the ability for the console to play 3D Blu-Ray films. Sony has confirmed software update 1.75 will arrive next week, bringing with it new functionality for the console. The update marks the first time we've seen n...


PS4 DVD/BluRay Fixes - YouTube     咱先把話說在前面:失敗的話,你砍死我! 相信很多男人都曾經為此問題而糾結過,那麼,這回你算遇到高手了,咱的辦法就是:時間短。見效快!     有興趣的話請往下看。 首先:必須要說明的是,這個女人一定要和你有很親密的關係,萬一涉嫌犯罪,對不起,別說我認Quick fixes for watching movies on ps4. ... OFFLINE: PS4 will NOT support DLNA, CDs, MP3s and Needs Day 1 update for Blu-Ray & DVD Function? - Duration: 19:25. by Ignorant Gamerz 4,220 views...


Why no 3D support for Xbox One and PS4? - Engadget在火車上睡覺的都是武林高手... 都不敢在火車睡覺了.. 下一秒就是你被拍上網聽說對腦部血液循環不好。玩隱身呢,看來是逃票滴真愛……哥,你能不能掉下去?當你家炕頭啦!女漢子……     一夜沒睡啊我…&hellCan someone who is a little more tech savvy than I am explain why neither the PS4 or Xbox One support 3D Blu-ray? It seems like it would be a simple firmware patch. Why have these consoles been out nearly a half a year and still no 3D?...


PS4 not playing DVD/BLU RAY w/ update - YouTube【深海恐懼症測試】 看到上圖,出現手抖,心理壓抑,胸口悶,喘不上氣等現象,說明你有海水恐懼症,大家來試一下!   【【眨眼變形圖】  看這個圖要不斷的快速眨眼。 【神奇的圖片】 盯著中心看20秒後圖就消失了。 【順逆旋轉】 據說慣用左腦思考的人看到這張圖一直是順時針旋轉,慣用右腦PS4 not playing dvd or blu ray even with updates 2 have come out since Nov. 15 still wont play....


Sony PS4 Performs Worse Than PS3 As A Blu-ray & DVD Player - HDTVTEST | N4G 在全美排名前十的私立名校杜克大學(Duke University)前陣子被推到了風口浪尖,事關學校的大一新生Miriam Weeks被爆出因負擔不起高昂的學費而無奈下海當AV女優。 18歲新生加入禁忌行業,如此爆炸性的醜聞自然讓Miriam成了眾矢之的,不少親友均與她斷絕關係,同學則唾罵她是恥辱,I 100% agree! I love the PS4. It is way faster at doing everything and they way it can go instantly back to the previous task is great. It is such a step up in terms of quality and speed. It is also very quiet. But, but the worst thing is Bluray playback....
