3D Blu-ray: PlayStation 4 (PS4) on Sony Bravia XBR 4K Ultra HD TV - YouTube ------------------------------------------------------------------DCARD原文連結祂喜歡我看板:靈異 發文時間:2016年1月13日下午1點08今天來分享一個真實故事而且是我的故事文長,但看完絕對不會後悔這真的是很特別的經驗先介紹PS4 when applied 1.75 firmware update allows playing 3D Blu-ray. I attach my PlayStation 4 to my Sony Bravia XBR 4K Ultra HD TV (49 inch) and played The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D Blu-ray version) to make sure everything works as expected. I used...