'Gran Turismo 7' PS4 Release Date: Gameplay, Features & Everything to Expect in New Game [News & Rum相處大忌:最讓戀人惱火的16個場景 戀人相處也是有很多忌諱的,雖然你們是最親密的人,但是也不能因此就毫不顧忌,導致最後傷了對方的心。所以在戀人相處時切記,不要犯了一下的十六個忌諱。 1、跟對方講一件自以為有趣或特別的事情,對方卻很不屑。難道裝一下有同感會死嗎?誰每天被潑冷水PS4 owners are certainly excited for the coming of "Gran Turismo 7" which is believed to be released in 2017. While waiting for the next GT installment, Project Cars took over and became an instant hit among console gamers. PushSquare reported that Sony a...