Amazon.com: SanDisk 8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo: Electronics ▲這名正妹為了報復男友把衛生棉黏滿他全車。(source:abiteofnewyork,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 俗話說「嫉妒可以使人變得瘋狂」這句話,小編是相信的,然而根據abiteofnewyork報導的這則在中國發生的新聞,小編才知道原來嫉妒的女生竟然可以做到這種程度! 報Purchased this product for my PSP. Read some reviews which said product read/write speed is slow. I just transfered over 1GB of data from my PS3 to the PSP and it was reasonably quick. Played games stored in my memory stick and did not notice any ......