PSP XMB CTF Themes奇聞:呂梁火車站女孩為挽留坐火車離去的男友,脫光衣服…… 重點是旁邊的車站人員就一直看?!感覺站著看很久...這女孩在台灣應該已經被警察抓走了?! 近日中國呂梁火車站一名女孩因男友坐火車離去,女孩為挽留離開的男友,竟當著眾目睽睽的面脫光衣服,男友最後還是乘車離開&hellPSP information on PSP XMB CTF Themes ... Old Timer if there would have been a PSP in the year 1900 this theme would probably be the standard theme, all PSP icons are replaced by large icons displaying stuff which was hot and trendy in the beginning of .....