psp umd iso mode

PSP UMD格式 與 下載遊戲 ISO、CSO解壓縮(9/28更新) @ 罐裝瑪奇朵 教你玩PSP^_^ :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::也太正了吧~~~~ 這篇是關於UMD 及ISO如何解壓縮、放在那個資料夾的知識教學喔!! UMD是什麼?? UMD就是:通用媒體光碟 (Universal Media Disc) 是SONY專門為PSP開發的光碟媒體規格...


Tutorial: How to Copy/Backup PSP UMD to Memory Card on PSP 3000 Series [UMD Dumper]天啊~~天神級到底是怎麼辦到的... Hi I have installed UMDumper as instructed. But kindly explain this step: “Bring up the Gen VSH Menu by pressing SELECT button on your PSP, navigate to recovery menu -> Configuration -> UMD Mode if its normal mode than change it to M33 drive -No UMD-) or ...


ISO Tool 1.970. Backup UMD's. XMB ISO Launching on 6.xx HEN, PSH - PSP Slim Hacks這...這甚麼髮型阿~~~ Takka just recently posted version 1.970 of ISO Tool. This includes updated ISO decoding and patching. As well as new data key’s for more recent UMD releases. ISO Tool 1.970 changelog: 1.970 [NEW] type corresponds to the decoding of 6 (CipherBridge.prx .....
