psy yg

YG Family Concert in Singapore 2014 - PSY - GENTLEMAN - YouTube 熱戀的時候,男人抱著女人睡。女人說:你抱得我太緊了,我快窒息了。男人笑著說:喜歡抱著你,否則我睡不著。當他們成為夫妻以後,有一天女人投訴:你晚上睡覺都沒抱著我,這和我—個人睡有什麼分別?男人說:抱在一起,大家都睡不好,難道你不覺得嗎? 某天,男人會突然在鬧市中把女人抱起,走長長的一段路[FAN CAM] YG Family Concert - PSY - GENTLEMAN@ Singapore 13/09/2014 YG FAMILY 2014 GALAXY TOUR : POWER IN SINGAPORE....


Psy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn July 2012, Psy released his sixth album Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1 and the song "Gangnam Style" appeared in broadcasting networks and newspapers outside Asia. On August 14, "Gangnam Style" ranked first on YouTube's 'Most Viewed Videos' monthly chart; on...


具惠善 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書具惠善[1](韓語:구혜선,1984年11月9日-),韓國女演員、導演、作家及音樂家。 在2009年以《花樣男子》一劇成功在亞洲地區打響知名度。多才多藝的她發表了名為《Tango》的小說之後,亦舉辦了個人畫展,並推出了親自作曲的新世紀音樂CD,更與日本 ......


YG Entertainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia1 Psy (2001) was formerly part of LNLT Entertainment before transferring to YG Entertainment in 2010. He released his fifth album through his new label. Psy's sixth album which contains the international hit Gangnam Style is his second album under YG ......
