“變了味”也一樣帥,GIVENCHY 2015 早秋系列預覽
Pt Ptt Inr Huh? | allnurses - allnurses | Nursing Community for Nurses & StudentsGIVENCHY 在日前放出品牌 2015 早秋系列 lookbook,如果不細看的話,你會以為品牌創意總監 Riccardo Tisci 已經走人了。的確,這一系列預覽不僅沒了 Riccardo 前幾季慣用的數碼印花,連他本人標誌性的五星元素都很難看到,取而代之的是在大面積咖色與黑色中加入面料或色I have a job understanding INR, PT and PTT. I'm an LPN at Rufus Guinchard Health Centre in Port Au Choix, so I don't have anything to do with medications. (the only province in Canada where this happens - but is changing, not to mention that we don't deal...