Onvif PTZ Configuration - Open IP Camera Forum - Index ▲你真的了解睡在自己身旁的那個人嗎?(source:tapas,下同。) 大家好,吉編又來了! 俗話說:「知人知面不知心。」就連朝夕共處的人都有可能各懷秘密,更何況是彼此之間沒有那麼緊密的伴侶關係呢?人常常會錯估自己與別人的距離,進而做出錯誤的決定、或說一些不該說的話,Hello, I'm new in ONVIF, and i have to implement a client software to control the IP Camera which is support ONVIF. So as the start, i have downloaded the ONVIF Device Manager to play with the camera and get familiar with ONVIF. I'm confusing is, accordin...