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Puma T-Shirt, Ferrari Shield Logo Tee - T-Shirts - Men - Macy's●三門與五門車款同步更新 ●新增1.0與1.8升兩種動力選擇 ●外觀造型小幅修正 ●國內售價 A1 25 TFSI:112萬元 A1 30 TFSI:136萬元 A1 Sportback 25 TFSI:117萬元 A1 Sportback 30 TFSI:141萬元 A1 Sportback 40Shop for T-Shirts online at Macys.com. This startling red shirt pairs well with the Ferrari logo, as well as the Puma logo on the left sleeve. With a short crew neck and 100% cotton material, you'll feel the wind on your chest even if you aren't driving....