被問總統挺誰 柯P「急中生智」反問:誰挺他│新新聞
Punisher: War Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia文/羅芋宙 儘管老早宣稱台北市是「藍綠非軍事區」,台北市長柯文哲還是免不了被追問總統選舉挺誰,去了韓國一趟,柯P發現「市政還需中央挺」,於是決定對應付「總統挺誰」轉換策略、主動出擊。 民進黨「在地希望生活節」,在悠閒的周六午後於北市府前的市民廣場舉辦。主舞台播放著小英下鄉的影片,旁邊是樂團表演、創意Punisher: War Zone is a 2008 American-German action film featuring the Marvel Comics character Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, directed by Lexi Alexander. The film is a reboot that follows the original telling of Castle's war on crime and corruption rathe...