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Toshiba Excite Write, Pro & Pure keyboard cover case review - MONTHLY GIVEAWAY! Read below.. - YouTu轉自 ptt 看板 StupidClown 作者 man835046 (mAn)標題 [無言] 昨晚看到的有趣畫面 時間 Wed Sep 19 23:58:56 2012 昨晚去全聯後走出來,看到馬路對面一對情侶準備要騎車離開時,不小心碰倒一台機車... http://i.imAn unboxing and initial impressions of the Toshiba Excite Write Pro and Pure keyboard cover case. This contains a Bluetooth 4 connected keyboard, with its own battery, and quickly mounts onto the tablet, giving it significant protection while closed, and ...