SPST Push On-Push Off Switch : On-Push Off Switches | RadioShack.com離婚男人的真情告白:「我離婚了,我確實不是一個兩性專家。但當我發現離婚拍板定案的當下,我一路細細回想,才看透那些關於婚姻的秘密。我當初應該可以做得更好的,現在卻已經沒有機會了。等到16年的婚姻破裂,我眼見我心愛的女人離開,我希望我早知道.....」這是來自剛失婚男人最懊悔的告白,要是當初這麼做了,一Get the SPST Push On-Push Off Switch at RadioShack.com and see our entire selection of On-Push Off Switches from RadioShack. This SPST push button switch is just the switch your project needs. Rated 3 amps at 125VAC. Push button switch mounts in a 1/4 ......