Welcome to the one hundred push ups training program 「蘇志燮」一直都是極品等級的熟男以及帥氣大叔形象。在韓劇《主君的太陽》裡,蘇志燮扮演百貨公司社長的角色,當然他的帥氣程度讓眾少女們也好想擁有一個主君在身邊,不過不知道在看這部戲的同時,你們有沒有注意到蘇志燮每一集出現時的服裝呢?因為角色的關係,所以蘇志燮的西裝穿搭非常百變! 西裝不只有黑色能做選擇the hundred push ups training program If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push ups! Think there's no way you could do this? I think you can! A...