王中平曾萌生妻子出軌 憑發票「西門抓猴」被余皓然虧「城府好深」
PV=NRT WHAT IS N? algebra 2 question!?王中平與余皓然日前攜22歲兒子韓靖上年代MUCH點唱綜藝《MUCH金點秀》,夫妻倆結婚23年,沒想到王中平曾懷疑過老婆不忠,還憑著證據「發票」驅車到西門町想「抓猴」,沒想到發票地址只是藥妝總店地址,王中平吃醋行為,讓余皓然大虧「不敢相信長相誠懇,城府卻那麼深」。 個性木訥的王中平,23年前剛與余皓然An algebra problem, not a Physics or Chemistry problem? In PV = nRT, n is the number of MOLES of gas. It's basically "how much gas" you have - how many moles of gas substance you have. It is therefore a measurement of amount. So of course, if P = pressure...