Inverter, Storage and PV System Technology - Industry Industry Guide 2014: Inverters and PV Plant Yi ▲死都不能細看。(source: @fxck_chrissy,以下同) 大家好我是云編~ 相信這年頭大家多多少少都有網購的經驗,畢竟現代人實在太忙了,有時候連出門購物都沒有時間。網購其實可以買到不少便宜好貨,不過有時候也要看清楚!一名推特上的網友@fxck_chrissy就分享了她的Major discrepancies exist between power generation with PV modules and the requirements of the public grid. The job of the inverter is to connect the systems with each other and to feed the solar power into the grid with the highest possible efficiency. A...