「2.9 V6」雙渦「強心臟」Audi RS5 Coupe 榮焉「最強」小排量動力,「國內」年底上市
Q angle | definition of Q angle by Medical dictionaryisCar!Audi 如期藉由日內瓦車展發表新一代雙門跑車 RS5 Coupe,除了強悍的性能水準引人矚目之外,新一代 RS5 Coupe 也擔綱新世代 RS 家族首波發表的車款,直接向市場傳達品牌將會逐步針對旗下既有車系進行強化的計畫。而作為 RS5 作為車系中的性能旗艦,卻使用比二當家 S5 更Q an·gle the angle formed by lines representing the pull of the quadriceps muscle and the axis of the patellar tendon. Q angle the angle of incidence of the quadriceps muscle relative to the patella. The Q angle determines the tracking of the patella thro...