q angle patella

Q-Angle of the Knee Definition     在美國南達科他州境內的拉什莫爾山(Mount Rushmore)雕刻著美國四位總統的頭像,而被人稱做“總統山”。 背後不為人知的祕密....         他們真的好辛苦喔...XD  The Q-angle of the knee is the angle formed at the center of the kneecap. An increase in Q-angle is ......


Q-Angle of the Knee Definition - Orthopedics Advice from About.com 媽咪救命吶~~~ 爸拔從海裡出來變成怪物了!!!!!   延伸閱讀►►找尋專屬妳的夢幻啦啦隊2015/10/4 ·  The Q-angle of the knee is the angle formed at the center of the kneecap. An increase in Q-angle is ......
