Pyramid schemes in Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia成人笑話 1. 老和尚臨終前遺憾一輩子沒見過女人,小和尚就下山找了個妓女脫光給他看,老和尚看後感慨說:怎麼和尼姑一樣呀!話罷,就閉眼了。2. 董卓宴請呂布李儒等心腹,貂蟬作陪,為試諸人忠誠,卓令禪塗黑雙乳。席間燭忽滅,復明後,眾人手黑,獨布手淨。卓遂賞布,布笑,露黑齒Pyramid schemes in Albania were Ponzi schemes that precipitated the 1997 unrest in Albania. They started operations in 1991 with the first being formed by Hajdin Sejdia, [1] former economic advisor of Prime Minister Fatos Nano. After starting works for th...