[Focus MK4 FUN改裝專題]Part.2空力套件及週邊--凌駕ST-Line X 11萬元
7 Free QR Code Reader Apps for Android [PICS]不惜成本PP材質打造,極佳密合度確保 !! 說真的一開始無論是四門還是五門車型,那個外表還真的讓男人沒啥胃口,但直到五門ST-Line登場後,證明了天下只有懶女人,沒有醜女人的這個道理,尤其是五門中階與ST-Line之間11萬元的差價,在撇除那些自動駕馭系統來看,這樣的差價絕對有辦法讓醜小鴨變天鵝,QR codes are all the rage these days, and if you've got an Android, you hold in your hand the power to unlock the mysteries of the QR code-spackled world. These distinctive barcodes are generally square and rendered in simple black-and-white blotches. You...