2014日本國際小姐冠軍遭酸爆 日本人:第一次覺得中國是對的...
qrcodesmarketingideas.com — QR Codes Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Creative uses for QR codes 2015國際小姐大賽日本區決賽近日在東京舉行,有網友翻出2014日本國際小姐冠軍本鄉李來的照片,被吐槽“醜得不忍直視”。你是不是覺得在哪裡見過?對,小編也有這種感覺。看,像不像《植物大戰殭屍》裡的…… 答案馬上揭曉……QR Codes Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Creative uses for QR codes ... Here is an interesting application I ran into the other day at Best Buy. On the store display for Dragon Age 2 the was a large QR code that a shopper could scan and it would bring up a v...