
Pentium Dual-Core - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 難以否認,男性朋友都對女性的胸部有所憧憬,不過身為宅宅、魯蛇,可能交往經驗少之又少,更別說親身感受 D 罩杯的手感,因此貼心的日本人又出現了!為了解救這些單身寂寞的男子,日本雜誌 R25 找了專家評鑑,發表了研究文章,公布了可以模擬女生 D 罩杯觸感的替代方案。但這些替代方案到底哪一個和真實的胸部The Pentium Dual-Core brand was used for mainstream x86-architecture microprocessors from Intel from 2006 to 2009 when it was renamed to Pentium. The processors are based on either the 32-bit Yonah or (with quite different microarchitectures) 64-bit Merom...


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