qualcomm qrd

Qualcomm - Official Site(難得的珍貴照片) 紐約的摩天大樓11名建築工人在施工中... 看了腳底都麻了....涼了......  真佩服!!!) _, 1932年9月29日,11名建築工人在施工中的奇異公司洛克斐勒中心大樓頂上吃午餐,他們腳下800英尺下就是車來車往的紐約街頭。攝影師查爾在69層拍攝到了這張照片,Qualcomm Incorporated is a world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other....


CTIMES - 聯發科VS高通QRD:非競爭、而是急甩糾纏:QRD,Qualcomm,高通,聯發科,Cristiano Amon如此高級的麵包,你做的出來麼?        針對千元智慧型手機,高通正式推出第三代高通參考設計(QRD)生態系統計畫;可說是在智慧型手機處理器市場,正面與聯發科交鋒。不過,與其說競爭,不如說是高通想要迅速擺脫 ......


高通推專為QRD平板設計的驍龍400系列MSM8230/8030 - SOGI 手機王絕對夠刺激夠瘋狂的僵屍蛋糕      高通(Qualcomm)宣佈推出專為平板電腦設計的 Snapdragon 400 系列 MSM8230 與 MSM8030 處理器的 QRD 參考設計。該處理器將配備高達 1.2~1.4GHz 的雙核心晶片、Adreno 305 GPU,並且支援 Android Jelly Bean 作業系統、HSPA+(速率高達 21Mbps)3G 效能...


Investor Relations | Qualcomm - Wireless Technology & Innovation | Mobile Technology | Qualcom超級大的雪人     Word on the Street. We seek to drive stockholder value through business performance and practices, as well as responsible and effective communications with stockholders. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) is...


Qualcomm® Vuforia™ | Qualcomm - Wireless Technology & Innovation | Mobile Technology | Qualcom極限車手表演「死亡之吻」              A break from the ordinary. See how furniture will look in your home before buying it. Interact with a toy without opening the box. Play a video game on your coffee table. Using vision-based computing, the Qualcomm Vuforia mobile vision platform...


聯發科是否有望挑戰Qualcomm手機晶片霸權? - SOGI 手機王傳說,這是離天堂最近的地方...在成為亞洲第一手機晶片製造商之後,聯發科(MediaTek)絕不僅僅甘於在山寨手機市場中稱王,更有志與全球大廠 Qualcomm(高通)、Marvell、TI(德州儀器)、NVIDIA(輝達)等國際巨頭競爭,加以考量到手機市場轉向智慧型手機的...
