Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers我在事業上算小有成就,平日裡工作也忙,很難抽出時間來陪陪老婆。平日裡少不了嘮叨抱怨,讓我很煩!那天聽了一個朋友分享自己的夫妻相處之道,回家後原本只是姑且一試的心態,沒想到老婆居然變溫柔了!之後我總算明白了,即使再忙,抽出一點時間陪陪她就能少掉很多麻煩或爭吵,聰明的男人其實該好好學學阿!女人要的其實沒Jan-Geert Munneke has had an issue with snoring for quite a while. He started off his self-tracking journey by tracking his snoring with the Snore Lab app. Having this data led him to think about how he could understand what was going on while he was slee...