quantified self

Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers我在事業上算小有成就,平日裡工作也忙,很難抽出時間來陪陪老婆。平日裡少不了嘮叨抱怨,讓我很煩!那天聽了一個朋友分享自己的夫妻相處之道,回家後原本只是姑且一試的心態,沒想到老婆居然變溫柔了!之後我總算明白了,即使再忙,抽出一點時間陪陪她就能少掉很多麻煩或爭吵,聰明的男人其實該好好學學阿!女人要的其實沒Jan-Geert Munneke has had an issue with snoring for quite a while. He started off his self-tracking journey by tracking his snoring with the Snore Lab app. Having this data led him to think about how he could understand what was going on while he was slee...


Quantified Self - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  導語:很多女人都是“大叔控”,覺得就該找個成熟穩重的男人來疼自己,但是如今姐弟戀卻大行其道,找一個小男人來愛自己是利是弊呢?其實當中有道不完的好處,擁有個弟弟疼愛自己是種幸福。不信請看本文的分析。   長期以來,男人與女人的擇偶觀念都是相映成趣的。男人The Quantified Self[3] is a movement to incorporate technology into data acquisition on aspects of a person's daily life in terms of inputs (e.g. food consumed, quality of surrounding air), states (e.g. mood, arousal, blood oxygen levels), and performance...


About the Quantified Self | Quantified SelfQuantified Self 近日,英國《鏡報》披露了一位前《花花公子》模特的悲慘遭遇,已經60歲的她落魄到只能街頭乞討,靠展示柔術換口飯吃。 這位潦倒的婦人名叫克里斯塔-麥肯納,今年60歲。別看她現在其貌不揚,20世紀70年代卻是紅極一時的演員,憑藉靈活的四肢,麥肯納靠柔術特長著實火了一陣子。 1979年,麥肯納登上了《花花The Quantified Self is an international collaboration of users and makers of self-tracking tools. Quantified Self Labs is a California-based company founded by Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly that serves the Quantified Self user community worldwide by producing...


Quantified Self Meetup Groups - Meetup   深夜,寺裏一人一佛,佛坐人站。 人:聖明的佛,我是一個已婚之人,我現在狂熱地愛上了另一個女人,我真的不知道該怎麼辦。 佛:你能確寫你現在愛上的這個女人就是你生命裏唯一的最後一個女人嗎? 人:是的。 佛:你離婚,然後娶她。 人:可是我現在的愛人溫柔,善良,賢惠,我這樣做是否有一點殘忍,Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Quantified Self ... Largest Meetup Groups Put this list on your website 1 The Bay Area Quantified Self Meetup Group San Francisco...


Quantified Self & Biohacking Finland | Itsetietoisuuteen numeroiden avulla   為什麼男人總是會錯意,以為女人喜歡自己?這其實是因為不了解女人的男人常常以己度人,把女人的許多無心舉動,曲解出了更多本沒有的意思。你也會讓男人想歪嗎?來看看這十個曖昧舉動,你是否已中槍? 1、辦公室和我若有若無的身體親近(8.11%的男人讚同) 解讀:你拍拍他的肩,只是把他當成哥們,Co-founders of Quantified Self & Biohacking Finland, Mikko Ikola and Teemu Arina invite you to their main event on how to reach self-knowledge through numbers with ... Sponsors Quantified Self & Biohacking Finland is a non-profit community effort. We woul...


Gary Wolf: The quantified self | Talk Video | TED.com現實版《童話》在河南鄭州上演,一名23歲患癌末女孩生命進入倒計時的時刻遇見了真愛,男友說一句「你在一天,我就陪著你一天」,讓女孩感動不已。3月2日,這對年輕情侶步上紅毯,2人互戴鑽戒時,新郎說,「這輩子我選擇了你,下輩子還是你」,更是令所有人動容。     去年七夕,身患惡性腦瘤At TED@Cannes, Gary Wolf gives a 5-min intro to an intriguing new pastime: using mobile apps and always-on gadgets to track and analyze your body, mood, diet, spending -- just about everything in daily life you can measure -- in gloriously geeky detail....
