美國人凌晨在中國麥當勞互毆 看熱鬧的英國網友太壞了…
BZ-BEE Quality Italian and Carniolan Queen breeders - Quality Italian and Carniolan Queen bees for s 據英國《每日郵報》18日報導,一段手機視頻顯示,幾名美國遊客凌晨4點在中國深圳的一家麥當勞互相毆打。報導用“史詩級的戰鬥”來形容這一事件,並一再表示場面十分尷尬。 ▲《每日郵報》報導截圖 根據視頻片段中顯示的信息,一名自John Foster Apiaries, B-Z BEE, is a quality breeder of Carniolan and Italian Queen bees. With a central valley location in the town of Esparto California, BZB enjoys the moderate climate of the Northern Sacramento region and easy access to clients through...