倫敦市民的新座駕,首批混合動力版出租車 Metrocab 受批上路
Five top widgets to speed up tasks on Android | Android | Geek.com 此前我們曾報道過尼桑為倫敦打造的全新黑色英倫版 NV200 出租車,而近日倫敦市區內已經有一種全新出租車受批工作了。和尼桑電動版 NV200 一樣,這款名為 Metrocab 的全新出租車目的在於取代現有的柴油出租車,以幫助倫敦提升空氣質量。而混合動力驅動的它也更符合倫敦市內交通設施狀況,加上全景Android’s widgets have always been a great differentiator over iOS. But widgets don’t just have to be giant, scrolling notification bars with news or sports scores. They can be small and focused, getting you to a specific file, contact, or even a book wit...