SUBARU IMPREZA 詳細配備曝光,預接單價將直逼百萬
quickcam pro 4000 driver? - Logitech Forums GoTrueCar! 即將於2月推出的新款Subaru Impreza尚未上市,2017年式配備資料與預接單價皆已在網路上曝光,4門、5門各有2個車款,而5門i-S版頂級預接單價近百萬,目前只有1.6升引擎動力單一版本。 而依目前規格所示,4門、5門皆有i、i-S兩車型供選擇,動力最I have read several things about drivers being included WITH windows 7 for logitech webcams and that people have connected the device the windows u... ... Great job!! This worked for me too! went to logitech driver downloads, chose vista and 64 bit. http:...