quite a bit

What Is Nostalgia Good For? Quite a Bit, Research Shows - NYTimes.com阿強在經濟拮据的時候寫了封信向上帝求救,希望祂能惠賜他1000元以渡過難關。郵差看到這封信後覺得阿強很可憐,便自掏腰包寄了500元給他。過沒多久,郵差又收到阿強要寄給上帝的信。郵差打開來一看,只見他寫道:「親愛的上帝,謝謝?幫我渡過難關。我並不是想抱怨,但請下次送錢來時別再透過郵差了,他們抽的佣金實SOUTHAMPTON, England — Not long after moving to the University of Southampton, Constantine Sedikides had lunch with a colleague in the psychology department and described some unusual symptoms he’d been feeling. A few times a week, he was suddenly hit wit...


Understatement - TV Tropes在一個偏僻的村莊,一條羊腸小道上有一根筆直的電線桿,說也奇怪,常常有人在那出事。不久一對年輕男女不小心騎車撞倒,當場斃命。一天晚上,5歲的小志和他媽媽在回家路上經過那兒,小志突然“媽媽,電線桿上有兩個人。”媽媽牽著他的手快速走開說:“小孩子不要亂說”但Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S: The title character employs this often in her everyday speech. Telling her daughter Vivio that "This is going to hurt a bit" before blasting her with five Starlight Breakers at the same time is just one of many examp...


bit - definition of bit by The Free Dictionary有一對兄弟,老大是種地瓜的,老二是種玉米的。某一天,老大在鬆土,鏘的一聲,老大一看是神燈耶!他趕緊把老二叫來,一起叫出精靈。精靈說他們可以許三個願望。老二決定禮讓哥哥,老大就說:我希望我的地瓜變得又肥又大。於是他種的地瓜就都變得又肥又大了。輪到老二,他一時想不出來,老大替他想。老二說出前半段:我希望bit 2 (bĭt) n. 1. The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or axe. 2. A pointed and threaded tool for drilling and boring that is secured in a brace, bitstock, or drill press. 3. The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the ...


CDC Publications | Prescription Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center昨天我哥例行地騎機車來接我下班騎著騎著,車子都遇到了紅燈停了下來快要變綠燈的時候,隔壁機車上的情侶中的男生對著我們大叫媽的~老兄!你馬子怎麼醜成這樣啊!下次記得找正一點的啊!哈哈哈哈~~~~~~說完就邊狂笑邊狂催油門一溜煙的就不見了我心想:算了~反正我也不是啥大正妹...(不過這樣被講心裡也不是很高Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States: Current Activities and Future Opportunities [PDF - 1 MB] Created by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Behavioral Health Coordinating Committee Subcommittee on Prescription Drug Abuse ......


the quiet place★首部曲老公為了替破病中的老婆煮飯,決定到傳統市場買材料準備煮海鮮粥「孝敬」老婆……老公:「老闆,今天有進新的魚獲嗎?」魚販:「有啊!你看鱈魚怎樣?」老公:「鱈魚…?可是我要煮粥哩!有沒有小魚?」魚販:「煮粥呀-那吻仔魚最好了!』老公:「吻仔魚?好吧!那&hhave you ever noticed how many things require your attention? ... communication with the quiet place will be operated via the [spacebar] key communication with the quiet place will be operated via your finger gently squeeze that key, now gently touch the ...


Fooducate - Eat a bit better™我有個同事 賴小姐(沒懷孕),長的圓圓潤潤,非常愛吃...有次跟她老公搭火車回宜蘭娘家,人很多,沒有位子,小夫妻年輕力壯就決定站到宜蘭.....沒想到一走進車廂就有人讓位……熱心乘客:"我馬上要下車沒關係,懷孕的人不能久站,坐著吧!"也不聽她分辨就硬拉她坐下,還很親切的講Happy Father’s Day! If you’re celebrating with your family by grilling meat, there’s a fair chance you will be employing sauce as well. Steak sauce has been around for almost 200 years, since the days of British King George the … Continue reading →...
