男人從火星來,女人從金星來? 讓圖文作家BO2用精闢的插圖捕捉兩性的情愛爭鋒,告訴你男女腦袋裡想的大
QWERTY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia圖文作家BO2集結多年創作能量,說出男女犀利情事,捧腹之餘更連連稱好 ★好色!每頁一張生動插圖搭配精妙文字,關起門才知道的事,現在翻開書就有。★好懂!一針見血女人心裡的算計、男人生理的詭計,這本書別讓另一半看到。★好樂!旁人都說相安無事就好,只有BO2幫你不吐不快、再無掩藏。★好鮮!獨立單格插圖,隨QWERTY /ˈkwɜrti/ is the most common modern-day keyboard layout for Latin script. The name comes from reading the first six keys appearing on the top left letter row of the keyboard (Q, W, E, R, T, and Y) from left to right. The QWERTY design is based on a...