qx10 lens

Sony DSC-QX100 與 QX10 鏡頭相機正式登場!可與平板和智慧型手機搭配使用(更新:台灣動手玩心得)襯衫可以說是男人開始學習搭配這件事的入門第一步。通常人們對於襯衫的流行認知就是「合身」,在大部分的情況下,只要掌握了「合身的版型」與「適當的衣長」兩大重點,單穿一件襯衫就能簡單有型。 ▲寬角領襯衫 $1,499 合身 vs 長板概念戰 然而在2015 S/S的春裝系列中,當「襯衫就是要合身」這樣深植關於 Sony 將推出「鏡頭相機(Lens Camera)」的傳言其實早已傳遍漿糊江湖,不過今天可是它(們)正式現身的大日子,我們的主站編輯也已經在第一時間試玩到了這兩個新產品 -- 如預期地,QX 鏡頭相機都可直接支援智慧型手機...


Sony DSC-QX100 and QX10 lens cameras bring top-notch optics to any smartphone or tablet, we go hands 台灣,台北(2015 年 1 月 14 日) — 今日,CONVERSE 發布 2015 羊年賀歲特別系列,包括 Chuck Taylor All Star 及 Aerojam 鞋型。此次特別系列鞋款以高端小羊皮面料融合時尚設計,並加入特別的羊年 logo 設計,為即將到來的 2015The rumors, we're thrilled to see, are true. Sony's unique lens cameras are now official, and they're coming to a smartphone or tablet near you beginning later this month. As expected, there are two models on offer. Both cameras lack the display and contr...


Sony QX10 Review: First Shots - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource TRAVEL FOX 2015新品 經典皮革休閒鞋文人學院新潮流 2015情人節甜蜜成雙專案   任選兩雙經典高筒鞋款合購價$ 5,000元       《2015年01月12日台北訊》   源自於義大利的都會休閒鞋品牌TRAVEL FOX,推出2It doesn't matter which model you choose, almost all digital cameras have a defining feature: they all place their lens on the front of -- or perhaps inside of -- a camera body that adds bulk. The long-zoom Sony QX10 and its sibling the large-sensor QX100...


Sony QX10 Lens Camera with 10X Zoom now available in Malaysia | SoyaCincau 歡慶BABY-G 20周年之際 BABY-G x X-girl 攜手打造繽紛街頭POP ICON       自1994年BABY-G正式創立後,兼具功能面與流行感的設計,提供女孩全方面的戶外功能性錶款,特別與Kim Gordon和Daisy Von Firth所創立Sony QX10 Lens Camera with 10X Zoom now available in Malaysia Posted: November 15, 2013 By: soyacincau No comments The Sony QX10 Lens Camera is now in Malaysia at RM699, joining its QX100 sibling which is priced here at RM1,499. The Sony Lens ......


Hands-on: Sony QX10 review - phone lens camera with 10x zoom為慶祝 Cristiano Ronaldo 星光熠熠的一年及其顯赫的成就,Nike 推出了一款與眾不同的戰靴,與Cristiano Ronaldo 非凡的運動天賦相得益彰。Mercurial CR7 珍貴黃金戰靴專為 Cristiano Ronaldo 打造,慶祝他第 3 次獲得金球獎。 這款戰靴選What is the Sony Lens Camera QX10? The Sony QX10 is the lower spec of two new 'lens cameras' just launched by Sony. A very new concept in the camera world, the QX10 clips onto your smartphone and connects via Wi-Fi to boost its photography capabilities. C...


Review: Sony's Cyber-shot QX10 wireless camera lens for iPhone [u]為了迎接2015農曆年節的到來,LEVI’S®搶先推出新年主題系列新品,發揮品牌擅長的創意巧思以充滿活力熱情與「東方年節氣息的紅色」及「西方味濃厚的公羊頭圖騰」注入男女服飾系列,不僅散發歡度新年的節慶氣氛,東西方元素的趣味碰撞也突顯品牌源自於街頭的活力與熱情態度。 LEVI&rsSony's new Cyber-shot DSC-QX10 wireless camera lens is a first-of-its-kind iPhone accessory that could appeal to many who are in the market for a quality, conveniently pocketable and connected point-and-shoot camera. Unfortunately software issues make the...
