【men's uno精選"黑"錶款】黑色組成之根本 The Composition of Black
Including arguments in R CMD BATCH mode | R-bloggers執行、文字/Adrian Chen 攝影/Ajerry Sung 黑,物體表面吸收所有光線之顯色,相對晦暗,實質昶亮,深藏不露,連時間都能感染。 對黑的權衡,全都各憑本事。體現運動感,宣示燒製工藝,陶瓷、鑽石鍍層、離子鍍膜,打開鍵結之基礎回歸本質,單體結合成物件,又拆解成最小微粒,區區一彩中,即納百When you have multiple computers or processors at your disposal and wish to run the same script with different arguments, use the following at the command line (here described for Linux; remove the linebreak, it is just there for display purposes): $ R CM...